Salamsss Alaikum...
errr... nothing special to post but something to say.
*if i regard someone as a friend, i will take care of that person. physically or not. seen or not . noticed or not.(insya Allah) &if that someone does not appreciate my care, then, it's okay coz i still care. i cant hold a grudge for too long, i cant be mad for too long. & this makes me a more patient and endurance person. alhamdulillah.
Benci seseorang biarlah kerana perangai buruknya, bukan orangnya. Jika orang itu telah meninggalkan keburukannya, maka kita juga harus meninggalkan kebencian kita itu. Kita harus sayang orang itu. Innamal Mu'minuuna Ikhwah.
errr... nothing special to post but something to say.
*if i regard someone as a friend, i will take care of that person. physically or not. seen or not . noticed or not.(insya Allah) &if that someone does not appreciate my care, then, it's okay coz i still care. i cant hold a grudge for too long, i cant be mad for too long. & this makes me a more patient and endurance person. alhamdulillah.
Benci seseorang biarlah kerana perangai buruknya, bukan orangnya. Jika orang itu telah meninggalkan keburukannya, maka kita juga harus meninggalkan kebencian kita itu. Kita harus sayang orang itu. Innamal Mu'minuuna Ikhwah.