Salaam alaikum,
im not the kind of person who is able to type long posts but i'll try to convey what is in my heart.
I know (for a very long time) that my blog has viewers that are close to nil so .... yeah, i'll just continue.
as i know and maybe some of you know, right now my friends and me are wat you call it " having our on ways" in choosing education institute, but our heart is still one. A few months back, i dreaded the day we need to separate and choose our own paths, but now at this very moment i realised that this is the best for us. As the saying goes, ' its not about how we separate, its about how we still in one another's heart even after we separate for a long time..'. and for me, thats the most important thing. Dua for one another is another powerful tool in friendship.
Some of my friends are going overseas, and for sure I WILL MISS THEM.
but worse is, knowing your friend is just a few MRT stops away but you dont have the chance to meet them. Allahu Hafiz. Gerls , take care of yourselves okay.
For my friends who dont have friends to be with in their new school, ACTUALLY, youre not alone, Allah Taala is with you. and yeah, im with you too, right there>> turn to your left>> look down>> im right there.. in your HEART. ;(
Please, let Allah Taala be sufficient for you. He's your Creator, He knows all about you, He's the BEST Wakeel, Helper, Victory-Giver. Subhanallah, not one of your friends can give all of that to you. not one, ONLY ALLAH TAALA.
&if you die while seeking Allah's knowledge, paradise awaits you. (provided you have the right intentions and Allah Taala Wills it, InsyaAllah). =)
People, out there is a battle, between you and yourself. Fight for the sake of Allah Taala, dont let your desire overcome you, not even once. This world is a test & we MUST pass the test. InsyaAllah we can!
& Dont ever forget, watever you study, dont forget to contribute back to the Ummah and community. Make your parents smile, your teachers beam and make it all worth it. Love Allah Taala, & everything starts from there. Remember our beloved Rasulullah Sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam 's sacrifices. He SAW sacrificed for us, but what did we do in return?
Fi Amanillah, Allahu Taala Hafeez.
-Zahratur Rofiqah, Muhibbah Ilallah.
im not the kind of person who is able to type long posts but i'll try to convey what is in my heart.
I know (for a very long time) that my blog has viewers that are close to nil so .... yeah, i'll just continue.
as i know and maybe some of you know, right now my friends and me are wat you call it " having our on ways" in choosing education institute, but our heart is still one. A few months back, i dreaded the day we need to separate and choose our own paths, but now at this very moment i realised that this is the best for us. As the saying goes, ' its not about how we separate, its about how we still in one another's heart even after we separate for a long time..'. and for me, thats the most important thing. Dua for one another is another powerful tool in friendship.
Some of my friends are going overseas, and for sure I WILL MISS THEM.
but worse is, knowing your friend is just a few MRT stops away but you dont have the chance to meet them. Allahu Hafiz. Gerls , take care of yourselves okay.
For my friends who dont have friends to be with in their new school, ACTUALLY, youre not alone, Allah Taala is with you. and yeah, im with you too, right there>> turn to your left>> look down>> im right there.. in your HEART. ;(
Please, let Allah Taala be sufficient for you. He's your Creator, He knows all about you, He's the BEST Wakeel, Helper, Victory-Giver. Subhanallah, not one of your friends can give all of that to you. not one, ONLY ALLAH TAALA.
&if you die while seeking Allah's knowledge, paradise awaits you. (provided you have the right intentions and Allah Taala Wills it, InsyaAllah). =)
People, out there is a battle, between you and yourself. Fight for the sake of Allah Taala, dont let your desire overcome you, not even once. This world is a test & we MUST pass the test. InsyaAllah we can!
& Dont ever forget, watever you study, dont forget to contribute back to the Ummah and community. Make your parents smile, your teachers beam and make it all worth it. Love Allah Taala, & everything starts from there. Remember our beloved Rasulullah Sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam 's sacrifices. He SAW sacrificed for us, but what did we do in return?
Fi Amanillah, Allahu Taala Hafeez.
-Zahratur Rofiqah, Muhibbah Ilallah.
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