Salamss Folks.
Ahlan wa sahlan.
Allahu HAfiz. Hasbiyallah.
Ok, ppl! it has been a lon time since i last wrote in here. wow, how long uh? ermm one month. wow, that long? ok... *am i havin a conversation wit myself?*
guys, u have no idea that in jus 1 month, almost everytin cn happen.. many unexpected things happened. urggghh.. how shud i put it? lets just say that the emo-ness in me is spikin up high nowadays.. and i think my friends also feel the same way as i do. in a few months, we're goin to be separated coz we're gonna embark in a different path. God, this fast time went by without me realisin it. i'll miss u guys a lot. laughter. jokes. smiles. tantrums. nonsense. craziness. spats. unity!
goin to continue this post.
feelin emo already. ='(
Fi amanillah. Love Allah swt.
Ahlan wa sahlan.
Allahu HAfiz. Hasbiyallah.
Ok, ppl! it has been a lon time since i last wrote in here. wow, how long uh? ermm one month. wow, that long? ok... *am i havin a conversation wit myself?*
guys, u have no idea that in jus 1 month, almost everytin cn happen.. many unexpected things happened. urggghh.. how shud i put it? lets just say that the emo-ness in me is spikin up high nowadays.. and i think my friends also feel the same way as i do. in a few months, we're goin to be separated coz we're gonna embark in a different path. God, this fast time went by without me realisin it. i'll miss u guys a lot. laughter. jokes. smiles. tantrums. nonsense. craziness. spats. unity!
goin to continue this post.
feelin emo already. ='(
Fi amanillah. Love Allah swt.
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